1) Review the lesson's vocabulary for your Written Quiz #6.
2) Write a 1 1/2 page essay about:
"Cideb Town: A call for civil disobedience"
Introduction: There's no meaningful difference since the last water privatization deal. With many unsolved issues, post-election chaos has become a nightmare for you, the current mayor of this town. The People's Liberation Movement (PLM) lead by Mr. Jaime and Simeon is calling for civil disobedience, which means more trouble on the horizon for your overwhelmed goverment. The good news is that your intelligence and secret service have detained prominent critics of the state. Reports show that they're using the social networks to organize and spread the opposition. Furthermore, one of the leaders in custody has revealed the plans of Mr. Jaime about a cover operation for a coup d'etat (military coup).
You're in a brink of a civil war. In an attempt to set order back, your congress suggests:
a) to diminish the people's freedom of speech, e.g. increasing regulations for media censorship and ban the right to publicly voice disagreement in mass gatherings.
b) restrictions on social networks, like Facebook and Twitter
c) set up spywrare on networks to track the content of every phone call made and website visited in the net.
d) use cctv technology to identify the perpetrators of violence
The measures are meant to "protect the general population from the threats posed by crime and terrorism". But leaders from the PLM claim their movement represents the "voice of the people"; war can only be waged as a last resort.
As the mayor of this town, decide which are the right measures for law enforcement. You're encouraged to draft your own procedures to reach your goals. Justify your reasoning.
Good luck! (The introduction is not part of the lenght of your essay)
Additional references:
British Parliamente blame Social Media for London Riots
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